Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Wow, hurricane Irene sure did pack a punch at my household. I thought I’d share my hurricane story.
 I prepared for the storm much like I did for a snow storm.  I raced to Total Wine and bought some Boones Farm.  Unsure of how much to get, I bought a case.  Once home, I pulled out a few flashlights.  I didn’t feel the need to see if they had working batteries, because my sixth sense told me they would work in an emergency.  Then I locked all the doors and popped open my Boones Farm.
I sat down to watch some TV.  After a bit of channel surfing, I narrowed down my choices to Storm coverage (I had lots of channels to choose from) or Bravo.  Settling on Bravo, I watched reruns of Millionaire Matchmaker.  During the second episode my kids started bugging me to play a game with them.  I yelled, “Mommy’s busy watching Millionaire Matchmaker, quit bothering me!”  I went back to my little bit of TV heaven. 
Suddenly the power went out!  I huddled the family together and grabbed my flashlights. Thankfully one of the lights worked. Here’s a helpful hint for emergency preparedness, check flashlight batteries before a power outage.  The kids were screaming, “What’ll we do, what’ll we do?”  My motherly instincts kicked in and I yelled, “OK, I’ll play Uno with you!”  We gathered around the flashlight and passed out the cards.  Then a miracle on 1st  Road happened, the power came on.   I didn’t have to play Uno after all and went back to Millionaire Matchmaker. 
This event was perhaps the toughest 10 minutes of my life; it went by in slow motion.  It tested my character like nothing else ever has.   Here’s what I’ve learned from Hurricane Irene; I’m a survivor and check flashlight batteries before a storm, don’t rely on your sixth sense.